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Lung Cancer in Non-Smokers: OutSmart Cancer Support

Approximately 20% of all patients who die of lung cancer in the US are non-smokers.  Cases of lung cancer in non-smokers are on the rise.  While a history of smoking is the primary cause of lung cancer, 10-20% of all lung cancer diagnoses occur in non-smokers or in people who have smoked less than 100 cigarettes in their lifetimes.

  • Take a Thorough Toxic Exposures History
  • Identify Environmental Risk Factors for Lung Cancer in Non-Smokers
  • Nutriceutical and Botanical Interventions
  •               Support Healthy Lung Structure and Function
  •               Enhance Cancer Immunity
  • Employ Appropriate Lung Cancer Screening
  • Recognize Signs and Symptoms of Lung Cancer
  • Apply The OutSmart Cancer System

Include a comprehensive history of known toxic exposures

at home, work, medical treatments and travel over the lifetime of your patient as part of a thorough intake and assessment.

Identify Environmental Risk Factors for Lung Cancer in Non-Smokers include exposures to

 Radon Gas: an invisible odorless gas that may concentrate inside homes in areas where there is a naturally high level of uranium in the soil. The Environmental Protection Agency publishes a guide to testing and reducing radon gas at home. Radon gas gives off radioactive particles that can damage genetic material in  the lung epithelia increasing risk of lung cancer.  1 in 15 homes in the US may have unsafe levels of radon gas.

 Secondhand Smoke is environmental tobacco smoke from cigarettes, pipes and cigars containing nicotine and carcinogens.  There is no safe level of exposure for secondhand smoke. 20-30% of lung cancers in non-smokers are linked to exposure to secondhand smoke.

 Carcinogens in the workplace include asbestos, heavy metals, nickel, cadmium, beryllium, arsenic, uranium, diesel exhaust and coal fumes.  There is a higher rate of lung cancer among gas station attendants, bus and truck drivers and hairdressers. Firefighters are exposed to a wide range of toxic chemicals and fumes from burning materials.

 Air pollution: Twenty nine percent of lung cancer deaths can be attributed to air pollution which is more prevalent in urban environments, automobile plants, oil refineries,  dry cleaning plants and around construction sites and wood-burning stoves.  Some artists may work with paints and materials that contain heavy metals and use volatile solvents and glues in their work.

 Gene Mutation and Family History of a first degree relative or multiple family members a family member diagnosed at a young age increase risk.  Eight percent of lung cancers are linked to genetic mutations.

 Nutriceutical and Botanical Interventions

  • Support healthy Lung Structure and Function
  • Enhance Cancer Immunity 

Vitamin A deficiency is linked to histopathological changes to the pulmonary epithelial lining.  Vitamin A deficiency during pregnancy leads to compromised lung development in the fetus.   Chronic Vitamin A deficiency is a common problem in many parts of the world.

Vitamin A plays a main role in regulating antioxidant defences, cell growth and differentiation. Consequently, numerous studies have focused on the association between vitamin A and various types of cancer (1, 2)

 Recommended dose of Vitamin A as retinol : 1500-3000mcg per day. This is a conservative dose.  Higher doses can be administered when tracking serum levels to achieve optimum but not excessive levels.

 Serum Zinc levels and Zinc: Copper ratios are inversely related to lung cancer risk as well as resistance to respiratory infections. (3).  Zinc supplementation has been shown to induce apoptosis and enhance anti-tumor efficacy of chemotherapy agents in the treatment of lung cancer (4)

Recommended Dose of Zinc chelate: 30mg three times per day

The Chinese herb Astragalus is widely used as a lung tonic and for promoting lung immunity and cancer immunity in traditional and modern Chinese Medicine and has been shown to enhance survival and reduce mortality from lung cancer.  (5) Astragalus may contraindicated with concurrent use of immunotherapy treatments with  PD-1 and PDL-1 inhibitors due to its immune stimulating effects and may exacerbate adverse effects of immunotherapy treatment. Caution is advised.

Recommended dose of Astragalus root (available in capsules and granules) 1000-2000mg 3x per day.

 Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer related deaths in the US.  Lung cancer accounts for more deaths than breast cancer, colorectal cancer and prostate cancer combined.  These four cancers are the most prevalent cancers in the US. However, we have active screening and more effective treatments and more long term survival with breast, prostate and colorectal cancers than with lung cancer.  We do not have any regular screening programs for lung cancer and less success with treatment and survival.  Lung cancer is usually a lethal cancer.  Early detection is crucial.

Screening for detection of lung cancer includes high radiation exposure from CT scans which carries its own inherent risks.  Screening is typically done only in high-risk individuals.   There is now the option of a new MRI technology that can identify lung cancer without the use of radioactive gadolinium.   As this technology becomes more widely available and more cost effective, it may come into wider use and lead to earlier diagnosis and better outcomes.   Currently this MRI technology is provided by Prenuvo (prenuvo.com) in several cities in the US. The five-year survival rate for lung cancer caught at stage 1 is 65% vs. 5% for those diagnosed at Stage 4 I recommend making use of  Prenuvo MRI technology for lower risk radiation free screening for early detection.

 Signs and Symptoms of Lung Cancer

  • A cough that doesn’t go away or gets worse over time
  • Coughing up blood
  • Chest pain or discomfort
  • Trouble breathing
  • Wheezing
  • Hoarseness
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weight loss for no reason
  • Fatigue
  • Trouble swallowing
  • Swelling in the face and/or the neck
  • Recurrent lung infections, including pneumonia

 The OutSmart Cancer® System is a health model for creating a body where cancer cannot thrive.  The OutSmart Cancer® System includes the promotion of robust health and enhanced cancer immunity through the OutSmart Cancer® Diet, OutSmart Cancer® Nutriceutical and Phytochemical Supplements and OutSmart Cancer® Lifestyle and Self Care Guidelines.

Every cancer patient deserves a plan for their health

and not just a plan for their disease.

 Selected references:

  1. Herzog R., Cunningham-Rundles S. Immunologic impact of nutrient depletion in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Curr. Drug Targets. 2011;12:489–500. doi: 10.2174/138945011794751500

 2. Yu N., Su X., Wang Z., Dai B., Kang J. Association of dietary vitamin A and β-carotene intake with the risk of lung cancer: A meta-analysis of 19 publications. Nutrients. 2015;7:9309–9324. doi: 10.3390/nu7115463

  1. Wang, Y., Sun, Z., Li, A. et al. Association between serum zinc levels and lung cancer: a meta-analysis of observational studies. World J Surg Onc 17, 78 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12957-019-1617-5
  1. Kocdor H, Ates H, Aydin S, Cehreli R, Soyarat F, Kemanli P, Harmanci D, Cengiz H, Kocdor MA. Zinc supplementation induces apoptosis and enhances antitumor efficacy of docetaxel in non-small-cell lung cancer. Drug Des Devel Ther. 2015 Jul 27;9:3899-909. doi: 10.2147/DDDT.S87662. PMID: 26251569; PMCID: PMC4524380.

5. Dugoua JJ, Wu P, Seely D, Eyawo O, Mills E. Astragalus-containing Chinese herbal combinations for advanced non-small-cell lung cancer: a meta-analysis of 65 clinical trials enrolling 4751 patients. Lung Cancer (Auckl). 2010 Jul 8;1:85-100. doi: 10.2147/lctt.s7780. PMID: 28210109; PMCID: PMC5312465.